No Longer 'Legal Tender'

I know it's late. Actually, it's a little more than a week late but I'm no longer a teenager. That's right, on March 19th of this year, I turned twenty.

I've talked with a few people who were really excited that I turned twenty. "You'll be able to drink next year!" "You're no longer a teenager!"

Both really great things but I don't feel any different. I don't feel older, wiser or care that I can legally drink (with out parental supervision at bars) within a year. Drinking has been deemed acceptable in my home since day one and due to that, I couldn't care less about getting so drunk I 'pull a Hangover-inspired night.' (complete with mattresses and grooms-to-be trapped on a hotel roof) Personally, I think more families should be this way.

Sadly, this has to be cut short: I have Trig class in a half an hour and I left my binder in my locker. Bis später!

