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InkPop homepage
It most certainly has been a while... A lot's happened.

My mom celebrated her 5th 'birthday' on the 16th of February. In July of 2006, she was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer. She had a full mastectomy in September, a few days before her actual birthday, and her very last chemo session was February 16th of 2007. She's been in remission for 5 years. :)

On February 27th, HarperCollins sold their website, InkPop, to another website called Figment and gave the users 3 days until they officially closed their doors on the 1st of March. The photo to the left is of the homepage layout before the official, extremely-delayed announcement by HC. InkPop had a 'Top 5' system where one would write to get to the coveted post and be 'critiqued' by a HC editor. Seeing as I spent most of those days either sick or at my next topic, it happened so fast that I can't remember everything about the closing of the site. It now looks like this. I am still trying to get used to Figment's system. I'm not having anything go public until they remove the copy-paste capability.

Matthew Guenette
From February 29th to March 3rd, I spent time at a writers conference in Chicago. It was phenomenal! I loved it. I hope I can go back next year when it's in Boston. I purchased a few poetry books and the one that is pictured is so addicting! Seriously, I can't put it down. I had a lot of really good food while in Chicago. (BENTO BOX FROM Hot Wok/Cool Sushi!!!) I spent a lot on food XD but it was amazing food.

