Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite Series

It's a new week, new Top Ten Tuesday! So this week Broke 'N' Bookish wanted us to do a "Top Ten anything." Since there have been so many books I've read, I'm going to do series.

1. Vampire Academy & Bloodlines - So technically, they are two separate series yet I've only read the first book in the Bloodlines series. For now, they will be together.

2. Harry Potter - As a member of the HP generation, this should be no surprise this is on here.

3. Gemma Doyle Trilogy - This is the series that sparked Vitality, its inevitable rewrite, and Black Cat Curse. I will continue to push this series for those interested in a Fantasy/Historical novel.

4. Strange Angels - I'm on Defiance so I should hopefully finish this series by the end of 2016. Dru is a powerful character. I like her.

5. Lord of the Rings - Yet another series I have yet to finish.... That being said, this series is what continues to spark my drive to write fantasy.

6. Nightshade Trilogy - This is the first series I read from the mind of a 'werewolf' that wasn't a secondary or love interest. This helped inspire the Moon Saga.

7. Chronicles of Narnia - A series I have not completed, that being said, CS. Lewis is a legend when it comes to fantasy.

8. Lioness Quartet - Another series I haven't completed (there are quite a few on here) but it is one of my favourites because this is the series that got me writing. If it wasn't for Tamora Pierce, I likely wouldn't be writing or even doing this blog today.

9. Mortal Instruments - One I didn't finish (and the only one that I'm on the fence about finishing). I did enjoy the series at first and it reminds me I can work outside the box when it comes to the Followers Universe.

10. Twilight - Okay, On here for one reason: it taught me anything can get published and has a shot at getting famous... Now I just need to get over my fear of rejection...

