Top Ten Tuesday: Audio

So this Top Ten is about Audio. So I haven't really listened to ten books on CD/Tape or Podcasts. Instead, I'll do a Top Ten artists I use for writing. These are in no particular order.

1. Breaking Benjamin - Featured heavily on my Followers Universe playlist. I can't remember for sure when I discovered them... Likely in the later middle school years.  In all of my paranormal novels, they have been featured at least once (if not more)

2. Two Steps From Hell - Featured heavily on my World of Turr playlist. I learned of them from another writer and it's kind of mandatory I listen to the newest album ASAP!

3. Tool - Featured on both my Followers Universe and my World of Turr playlists. My other half introduced me to them when I was 18--so a little late in the game, 10,000 Days came out when I was just starting High School. Still waiting for that 5th album...

4. Evanescence - another artist featured heavily on my Followers Universe. Another middle school find--when I was trying to be emo... Still, Lee's voice is amazing for supernatural fight scenes.

5. Loreena McKennit - Featured on the World of Turr. Another artist my other half introduced me to. She's become a staple of the Guardian Heir and Dragon War.

6. Flyleaf - Featured on the Followers Universe. Discovered in high school--I used to be able to watch MTV in the early am (before it turned to nonstop reality shows/teen dramas).

7. Halestorm -  Featured on the Followers Universe. I actually was introduced to this band by a friend's on-off girlfriend--great to listen to for badass moments ;)

8. Enya - Featured on the World of Turr. Discovered sometime in high school or my early semesters of college. Unsure when.

9. Howard Shore - Featured on the World of Turr. This really shouldn't surprise you. His Lord of the Rings scores are amazing writing material.

10. E. S. Posthumus - Featured on the World of Turr. Discovered this on a Youtube hole sometime in my upperclassman years of high school.

EXTRA: Disturbed - mostlikely will be featured on the Followers Universe. Will get to this when I get back ;)

