One More Shot

I've written a blog before. I have a LiveJournal. I never use it. Well, I haven't used it in some time. I'd get one, get all excited start writing about my day (actually my day yesterday was pretty damn awesome) then I'd start writing less frequently. Finally, I'd just loose all interest in blogging. It's the same way with my journals.

But this is a new year. A fresh start. I'm going to give blogging one more shot.

A few years ago, a former friend got me a very nice journal from Barnes and Noble. For some reason, I could never write in it. No matter how often I looked at it, held it, opened it, touched it's luxurious pages. I couldn't put pen to paper. Maybe I thought it was cursed. I had so many memories with this person and I felt like the journal would be taken away from me. I feared that. I began to question that, if she found it, would she take it with her?

I began to grow paranoid. I took it with me almost anywhere I went. I wanted to infuse so much of myself into it that it expelled any mark she may have left on it. In a way, it worked. I got the balls to finally write in it. Only a few entries but it's a big step for me.

But this is a new year, and a new start. I'll try to update this atleast once a week... Try being a key word there.

