And Now For Something Completely Different

Hello again.

I'm going to avoid the 'stalker-esque' today. I changed the name of my blog.

I started off with 'The Oldest Follower.' Why? It was a play on a supernatural universe I created. Each faction (werewolves, vampires, witches) was based off of Norse Mythological beings. Maybe some day I'll share it? Maybe...

Why did I change it? Because I don't want to associate myself with cohorts and sidekicks. I don't want to follow anyone (with the exception of fellow writers' blogs).

I want to be 'Always Ali.'

Should I officially introduce myself? I think I should. :)

I'm a college student attending a technical college in the Madison area. I'll be turning 20 on the 19th of March. I am completely in love with my boyfriend. (OH EM GEE boys) I have been writing since middle school and I've been making a living guarding over the lives of small children and swimmers for the past year and a half. (I've made one save, and it was exhilarating)

I'd say that Rowling is my favourite author but she's not alone. Over the weekend I was reintroduced to another literary genius: Tolkien. My mother was the original Tolkien generation. She read all the books and, when Fellowship of the Ring hit theaters in '01, we--my brother, mother and I--sat in a small crowded theater to watch the magnificent world that is Middle Earth. Rowling's first greatest literary achievements finished in '07 but I plan on reading Harry's wonderful adventure to my children some day and maybe the love for Hogwarts will transcend time like Tolkien's Middle Earth.

I want to make that. I want to make my make-believe world transcend time. Have parents, children and grandchildren flock to my world like Tolkien's and Rowling's. That is my dream.

And you better bet I'll die trying.

