Top Ten: Cover Trends

Welp, it's Tuesday and you know what that means! This week's Top Ten is about cover trends I both like and dislike. Now, I'm actually going to split this up into two: five for liked and five for disliked. Let's go in alphabetical order. Note, these are not in order.

  1. Objects: Now, this goes both ways. This is here because, if the object has NOTHING to do with the plot or story line, I find it tacky.
  2. Models: Personally, I'm not too much of a fan of the models that are supposed to be there to look pretty just doesn't sit well... especially if they have/are doing NOTHING in relation to the story.
  3. Stock: Ah stock photos. Now, I know they're cheap but if you have a cover using the same stock as another, (like Fallen and Leopard Moon) it's just... disappointing. Granted, LM managed to surpass Fallen so that has its perks.
  4. Title/Name sizes: I believe that a cover is to sell the BOOK not the AUTHOR.
  5. Mid-series revamps: Mainly, this is a shout out to the Nightshade Trilogy. The original covers were GORGEOUS! The current ones... sub par in comparison.

  1. Objects: If the object on the cover relates to the story, I love it! 
  2. Models: If done right, they can be captivating. 
  3. Colour: With the right use of colours, they can tug at my curiosity.
  4. Animals: If an animal--both mythical or realistic--is related to the story/plot line, they can also tug at my curiousity.
  5. Landscape: If it relates to the novel, I'm game.
If you haven't already noticed... A lot are based on if they relate to the novel or not. If it's unrelated, it gets a thumbs down from me. 

