Top Ten Bookish Things (That Aren't Books) That I'd Like To Own

The Broke and the Bookish

First week for Top Ten Tuesday!  So this week's Top Ten Tuesday is Bookish things (that aren't books) that I'd like to Own:

1. More bookshelves. I currently have two bookshelves (a short one that's like three feet high by three feet wide and a 'big' one that's about four high by two wide) and it'd be awesome to have more! MOAR BOOKSELVES FOR MOAR BOOKS!
2. Paintings that are book related. Maybe something from one of my works! A map of my world would be pretty cool!
3. A reading chair. Technically, I kind of already have one: an old rocker that my mom used to rock me in when I was a wee Ali. After a while though, that wooden rocker gets a little well, hard. Something comfy like a winged back lounger with a pretty purple floral fabric.
4. A library/study. I used to have one in my old apartment but well, we moved from a two bedroom to a loft....
5. A fireplace. This goes in tandem with number three. I'm extra fond of stove fireplaces, especially one that has a top big enough to heat a teapot.
6. Mug. I have a few of these but the more the merrier.. also the bigger the better :D
7. A chest preferably big enough to store honey, mugs and number seven.
8. Tea. I'm a sucker for it and, to me, a good book always goes well with a good cup of tea.
9. A spot for a writing desk. Again this ties into numbers three and four. It also doesn't entirely have anything to do with reading, but, to me, writing is bookish so it's on da list!
10. Cool bookends. Preferably having something to do with a dragon--because dragons are awesome.This is at the bottom of my list because, though they're cool, I don't really need them per-say (god I hate that word. Thanks so much South Park). Still, freaking awesome.

Whelp, there it is, my Top Ten for this week. Tune in tomorrow for some writer help!

