Cerulean Part Six: Dropping Out

Two days ago, I decided to drop out of Camp NaNo for Cerulean. I, now, have less than two days to reach 50k and I haven't gotten much farther than 24.5k. Also, I'm not willing to pull several all-nighters in order to finish it. I do have two jobs that take up most of my mornings and evenings that do take pertinence over writing.

Don't get me wrong. I'll still be trying to hit 50k for Cerulean. If I could get over 50k to finish, that'd be even better but, for now, my word count won't be counted towards Camp NaNo.

Also, only three chapters will be up on Wattpad of Cerulean for now. Eventually, I'd like to get it published but that'll probably be way off into the future. Still, not a lot will be posted.

Stay tuned. I plan on posting a second part in my adventure of the Black Cat Curse :D



  1. Aw, that's too bad. I'm glad you tried, though (NaNo is tough . . . all who braved it are my heroes). And I'm glad you'll still be continuing it! Good luck!


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