The Vault: Morituri te Salutant -- Those about to die, we twihard Part 6: Bella Morte

Ah... It's been awhile hasn't it? So school's been out for about two weeks. I made honor role again. School starts up again in mid-January so I've got some time to resume this blog for a while. After the 17th though, I'll likely be taking time off again until end of March/second half of the semester. I learned my lesson this semester and I will not be doing an accelerated online-class in the second half of the semester again.... I did pass with an AB so all was not lost but I think toward the end I lost my mind... But without further adieu, it's time for...

Well, we're on the last part of the Morituri te Salutant series! Yaay!

Banner from Mibba

So the last book in the series, Bella Morte isn't finished. Will it ever be finished? I have no fucking clue. Maybe? If it does... you'll know where it'll be (and there will be an updated part for it!). In the full MtS series, we'll be starting on chapter 35. (read along)

So something I neglected to mention in the last part of the series was Kassandra. Kassandra was inspired by the Strigoi from Vampire Academy (good series; read it if you can) and in turn inspired the Strigoi in the Followers Universe (Featured in Blood Moon and the Van Helsing Legacy). Though this series drives me nuts, a lot of things started from MtS and followed into the Followers Universe.

Anyway, let's begin.

Chapter one: Ooo! Aurora's PoV! I forgot I did this. So I think this was the story I was trying to get into other character's perspectives more while Blythe is out of commission.

We continue right after we left off in MM. Christopher bites Katrina, Kassandra heals Blythe (to an extent) before she escapes, and we end off in the hospital and Allegra, Russell and Luca leave to find more Seers.

Chapter Two: We venture into a field of peonies. A dream sequence at that! You can tell because every time Blythe goes to speak it's in this weird italics shit. We meet this new person. He's ancient. He's foreign... and wears all white.

Also Emily makes a freaky return.

At the time I was working on BM (ha! It's funny because it's shit XD) I was really into floral meanings... I can't exactly remember but I think it was due to my desire to subtly foreshadow events. Peonies symbolize healing.  This sequence was also to symbolize Emily had finally moved on to whatever afterlife exists in this universe.

Chapter Three: Blythe is roused in a stranger's bed with Alice standing above her. Alice asks her what the change feels like being reverted into Human form. Carlisle does his doctorly stuff and Blythe is snarky. At the end, she slips into a state of depression and Aurora returns to check on her.

So BM was also a precursor of a lot of spoilery things in the Van Helsing Legacy. Especially reading this chapter reminds me of a few events written for Sacrifice (Book 2) and Vendetta (Book 3).
Gratuitous (and possibly outdated)
Adventure Time reference #noshame

Chapter Four: Filler chapter that introduces Blythe to anorexia (because I guess that's okay for someone who hasn't been human to not eat? /sarcasm) and Blythe's being a secretive bitch again. BLYTHE! LOOK AT WHAT HAPPENED LAST TIME YOU WERE BEING SECRETIVE. YOU ALMOST DIED. /end rant

Chapter Five: This chapter Blythe meets Renesmee and Jacob... I guess she hasn't aged at all since the end of BD? Well okay then... Anyway. It's hinted again that Luca broke her mind? As embarrassing as it is to admit: as the author I have no idea where I was going with that or what the fuck happened. This is unacceptable.

Chapter Six: I do believe this chapter was written after a long hiatus of the novel. Blythe yes, you are a bitch. Good on you for finally coming clean. Also, it is revealed that the Volturi have finally found Kassandra and learned of Blythe. Winter is The Volturi are coming.

So dear reader. Sorry for the very late final installment. If you were following along with the text, this is the end. To be honest, I had hoped on getting the inspiration to finish this by its end... not so much.

Though this didn't reignite my desire to finish this novel, but it did give me some time to reminisce on how far the Followers Universe has changed from this.

So this is where I leave you for now. I'll resume this blog next Tuesday for Top Ten!

