An Update

Hey all. Long time no see amiright?

Nice clean fracture on my 3rd metacarpal bone
Yeah... Things have been pretty busy and this blog got a lot of neglect. Well, since I disappeared...

I broke my hand... yep, you read right. I broke it after slipping in a puddle while doing laundry writing really hard stuff! I fought a grizzly bear! Yeah!

But really, I had a mental breakdown from it... I went from being completely independent to incapable of doing some menial chores on my own... Like washing my hair, doing dishes, opening wine bottles. Any writing I did, it was by hand (as typing with my left hand was really awkward and nearly impossible). That also helped me get really pretty handwriting... Oh who am I kidding. It's legible chicken scratching XD

Writing wise, I also discovered a few things. First, Element War has been removed. Though it's off my blog, it doesn't mean I'm not working on it. I am. My goal by the end of the year is to finish it. Then proceed to tear it apart on here... and place some of the sub plots in another novel. Second, I've gotten really indepth in the fantasy world that EW/GH takes place in... to the point where I've started developing a table top game.

Also, if you've kept an eye on my Book List. It's gotten shorter!


I've got a secondary one on the back burner that I'll add books to as I discover them. At the beginning of each year, I'll remove the completed books/series and update the list. As of right now, I'll be posting a lone review for a series... As I have read a few books and neglected to review them as a single entity. My first series post will be a continuation of City of Bones (Only COA and COG... won't read further for reasons that will be explained.

